Friday, March 14, 2014

Love in Korea

March 14, 2014


Happy White Day Everyone!!!

As I was walking to work this morning, I noticed a lot of shops with grand displays outside containing flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, etc.  I have heard of White Day before, but was unsure of the exact date.  When I got to work I got the low-down.   

I entitled this blog “Love” because in Korea, love is big.  In the U.S., February 14th is Valentine’s Day, where the man gives flowers, chocolate, and/or jewelry to his female love.  Well, in Korea this works differently.  Every month on the 14th there is a love-related day that people celebrate.  The most popular ones are in February, March, and April.  Here’s the run down:


January 14th: Diary Day

            This is the day when couples or close friends exchange diaries/journals to one another as a way for the other person to record events throughout the year.  More exactly, it’s a way for them to write about one another and their time together.

February 14th: Red Day/Valentine’s Day

            Unlike in the States, in Korea on this day the woman must give the man a gift.  This is not only for a special love, but also for coworkers and friends.  The men don’t have to do anything except enjoy the gift.

March 14th: White Day

            This is the day when the men have to return the favor and give something to the women.  The trick here is that the man must spend at least 3 times as much on their gift to her as she spent for him.  This is, of course, the case with love relationships.  In the workplace, the men can give small boxes of chocolates to their coworkers (as I received today).

April 14th: Black Day

            This day is for all the single people out there!  This is a more recently created holiday that is becoming more popular every year.  On this day, everyone who is single and did not receive anything for Red or White day spent Black Day eating Black foods.  This may sounds gross, but in Korea, there are many delectable dishes that are black, such as jajangmyeon (자장면) (noodles in a black bean paste).

May 14th: Yellow Day/Rose Day

            On this day, couples typically wear yellow clothes and exchange roses to one another.  Single people eat yellow curry.  Yum!

June 14th: Kiss Day

            As stated in the title, this day is spent kissing the one you love as often as possible to show your love for one another.

July 14th: Silver Day

            Not only is this French Independence Day, it is also a day in Korea when couples exchange silver rings, better known in the States as “promise rings”.  This is when they typically promise to get married, kind of like an engagement.  It is also when a lot of couples choose to introduce their loved one to their parents.

August 14th: Green Day

            Couples spend this day hiking, walking through the park, and just enjoying the green spaces all around them.  Despite the busy areas, Korea has a lot of beautiful mountains and green spaces where couples can take leisurely strolls in the warm summer night.   Singles enjoy the alcoholic beverage called soju (소주), which comes in a green bottle. 

September 14th: Photo Day/Music Day

            On this day, couples take photos together being all lovey-dovey and then spend the night at a noraebang (노래방), literally translated as “singing room”, otherwise known as a karaoke bar. 

October 14th: Wine Day

            As clearly stated in the name of the day, couples spend their time drinking wine and enjoying each other’s company as the weather begins to turn chilly.

November 14th: Movie Day

            Couples watch movies on this day, eating popcorn and holding hands.  Aww.

December 14th: Hug Day

            HUGS!  People everywhere are hugging!


So that is a general outline of the Korean love holidays.  I hope that has been informative and helpful. 

My coworkers were so sweet today!  One male teacher handed out little boxes of chocolate for all of the women and I had some female coworkers giving out chocolates, doughnuts, and someone even brought in , which a DELICIOUS sweet walnut bread.  I ate quite a few!  One student brought me a bag of sticky taffy.

Walking home I saw many couples holding hands and being romantic.  One was walking through the park, hands clasped, with the woman holding a bouquet of flowers in her hand.  So romantic.  J



  1. Very Kool calendar of events in Korea. I love chocolate. Count me in.

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