Tuesday, February 25, 2014

First Day Craziness!

February 25, 2014

Today was a very interesting day and not how I thought it would go.  My director picked me up at 9 this morning to take me to the hospital for the medical exam I need in order to stay in the county.  My director is a woman not to be messed with, just to let you know.  She walks as if there is a fire on her butt and doesn’t slow down for anything.  Think of a typical American business woman on her phone while driving, breastfeeding, and drinking coffee all while mapping out the work schedule for the day, only multiply that by 10.  That is my director.

I say this because I was rushed from one room to another where they measured my eye sight (which I thought I would fail that test haha), my hearing, my height, weight, and blood pressure.  They then pushed me to the bathroom and told me to pee in a cup.  I was then rushed to another room and told to lay down and pull my shirt up.  So far up that everything was exposed, but I was NOT to completely remove my shirt.  Honestly, it would been easier just to remove the shirt.  Anyway, the doctor then clips these, well, clips on my wrists, ankles, and bare chest (yes, even those…) to measure my heart.  I was a bit mortified because that was never done like that before!  Anyway, she finishes, I dress and then they sit me at the desk and stick a needle in my arm to draw blood.  Before I could say “ow” I was rushed to another room on the first floor where they took an x-ray of my chest.  I then speed-walked across the hospital lobby to meet with another doctor.  After sitting in the waiting room for literally 5 seconds, my director was tapping her feet and calling every nurse to ask when it was my turn.  I then get called in, the doctor listens to my heart, says I’m good and we leave.

Yeah.  That was only the beginning of my day. 

She then took me to the Paris Baguette shop and told me to pick out some bread…quickly.  I chose two items and she grabbed some milk.  She paid and we ran to the car and drove to the school.  When we got there (after she parked in the handicap spot, oh and p.s. she’s not handicapped) we went to the 8th floor where the school is and I was told to sit and eat in the teacher’s room. I ate it quickly (not really knowing what was to happen next) and waited.  Another teacher gave me a tour of the small school and then a Korean teacher handed me a schedule for the day.  I followed it to a tee, observing the classrooms and helping out where I could.  In the afternoon, they had an orientation for the new Kindergarten students and their moms.  I, along with the other teachers, had to introduce ourselves and then do a song with the children.  We then took the kids into classrooms and did a “cooking” activity where they assembled hamburgers, one for them and one for mom.  The kids were then dropped off to their parents and we were pretty much done. 

Overall I like the school.  The children are as cute as anything and the class sizes are small. The children know a lot more English than I thought they would and they are fast learners.  I am looking forward to working with them. 

After work some of the teachers and I went out to dinner around the corner from where I work in Dongtan and I ordered Kimbimbab.  I enjoy this rice and veggie meal, though I look forward to trying other foods soon too. 

Oh and I took the bus home with two teachers.  This was my first time on a Korean bus and it was a very bumpy ride.  A lot of stopping short and I was dismayed at having put 2000 won in the box and not receiving change.  I should have gotten 900 back, but here they don’t have those automatic money payment things on the buses, where you zip the money in like a vending machine and it spits out the correct change.  Here I put the money in and the driver was impatient as he gestured for me to keep moving.  I wasn’t going to argue with a grumpy Korean!

When I got home everyone else went out to meet people or do classes.  I spent the evening working out the subway maps and finding events to do in the area or around Seoul.  I’ll keep you updated on any fun adventures I undertake!




Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Neighborhood

February 24, 2014


After getting settled a bit in the apartment this morning, I decided to go out for a walk to check out where I live.  I took a picture of the placard on the wall of my address, just in case I didn’t find my way back (which is highly probable knowing me).

I walk out and where there were lights on the buildings last night, today I see tons of billboard-style ads and signs on the buildings. These buildings are tall too!  The signs just keep on going up with them.  The corner off of where I live seems to be the main intersection until you get to the highway on either end of the main street.  I say this because there were more lanes for the cars and the street had a lot of signs, stores, and pedestrians.  I concluded that this must be an important street.  Anyway, I walk up and down one side of the main street and look into the shop windows and just try to get a feel for how things are configured and sold.  There were stores for everything from lingerie and shoes to fruit and meat.  I continued walking around the corner and found a nice little play area for children.  There was a climber and benches.  It was so cute!  Next to this there was a market going on where they were selling fish, waffles, clothes, treats, and spices.  It was really cool.  After walking this for a bit, I decided to head back to the main street where I saw some oranges being sold.  One woman asked the man how much for the bowl, he told her, and then bagged it up.  I thought, “I could do that!”.  So I asked in English, more so using gestures, to ask how much for a bowl of the big oranges.  He said 10,000 Won and I agreed.  It’s a lot of oranges and will last the week.  Yay! 

It’s a beautiful day too!  About 50 degrees F.  I think I might go back out after lunch and see if I can buy some rolls at the “Paris Baguette” store around the corner.  It would be a good idea to have food for breakfast.  Fun adventures!  J

  Yeah Dominos!  Where's Victor?

 Really Tall!!

The cute little children's park I found.

At the market behind the playground.


Traveling to Korea

February 24, 2014

Hello from South Korea!  Yes, I made it here safely and surprisingly had a really good flying experience.  Philly to Chicago was not a problem, though security in Chicago took FOREVER!  Made it to my gate and walked onto the Asiana aircraft and was in awe.  It was a very large plane. Three rows with 3 seats in each.  There were about 40 of these 9 seat rows through the whole plane.  I was in seat 31A, which means a window.  Not cool for a 14 hour trip to be squished with 2 people next to me. However, the plane was not filled, so the couple who were supposed to sit next to me moved elsewhere and I got the entire row to myself!  I was very happy about that. 

The service on the plane was great.  The flight attendants were polite and you were offered a drink pretty much every hour.  The food was good too. My first meal was Kimbimbab, a Korean dish with veggies and rice.  There was also a side cup containing some little dried up sea creatures. I opened it, got a whiff, saw the eyes, and promptly closed it. That was not for me.  After receiving small snacks packs throughout, the final meal was rice.  I got a dish containing one half rice and one half Kimchi, a spicy cabbage.  I started eating and then realized that under some Kimchi there were a few tentacles.  Yes, tentacles. If you know me at all, you know that tentacles on a living breathing octopus freak me out, let alone chopped up into bits in my food.  So needless to say, I pushed those aside and ate the rice.

Above is the first meal, Kimbimbab.  It came with a tube of Korean spicy pepper paste.  I didn’t use it though, the spicy Kimchi was enough for me!
Below is the second meal.  Yup, there’s tentacles in that bowl there on the left.  The rice was good though!

Incheon Airport is a really nice airport.  I managed to find everything very easily and it was very clean.  I went through the usual, immigration, baggage claim, and customs without any problems.  They did lose the tag on my blue suitcase unfortunately and they ripped the front, but I am just glad it arrived along with me.  I exchanged some money at the currency exchange booth and then headed out to the mass of people waiting for the loved ones.  I had to wait about 20 minutes for Kim, the man who words at EduCon, to pick me up.  Apparently there was no parking and the airport was abnormally busy.    Anyway, he drove the hour and a half to the apartment building and I met three other teachers there.  They are having me stay in this one apartment until the one teacher moves out, and then I move to the building next door into her apartment. 
The apartment is not bad.  There a working bathroom and the bed is long, which is nice.  I was afraid I would be too tall for a normal bed here.  The one Korean teacher set me up with a package of teeth cleaning products (toothbrush, paste, and a tongue cleaner) along with shampoo, conditioner, a tiny towel, a bottle of water, a fork and spoon pack, and some bread and juice in the fridge.  I didn’t realize until later that there was no toilet paper. I am just glad I brought my little travel Charmin toilet paper pack.
Utensils and Tooth Kit

 mmm, breakfast and lunch!

So today I need to head out and explore, if anything just to try and buy some food.  I learned the trick to converting the money.  One Dollar equals about 1000 Won.  So if an apple is 4000 Won, then it is $4.  That makes life a bit easier.  The language and writing system is something that will take a lot of practice and getting used to.  I think it will get better with practice and using it, along with hearing it spoken.     
Oh, so the neighborhood my apartment is in is labeled as a “suburb”, but it is not like an American suburb.  I was in awe last night walking through the “town” with the other teachers because it is most definitely a city.  There are tall buildings everywhere and bright lights on every building.  There are lots of cars, people, trash, and noise, and that was just from seeing it on a Sunday night!  I cannot imagine what it must be like out there now on a Monday morning. I will find out soon as I head out though!




Thursday, February 13, 2014


February 13, 2014

I got my flight and visa information a few days ago and it has been a whirlwind ever since!  Having a concrete date of departure for February 22nd is a relief that I have been waiting a long time for.  I sent my passport in to the Korean consulate in New York and just got it back yesterday (which was a relief to have it back in my possession again).  At this point, I am just getting last minute stuff done. 
Last night the Literacy Council (the school where I teach English to adults in the evening) threw me a nice little Bon Voyage party.  That was really nice to see how much people are going to me miss me and to know how much they care.  They are a truly wonderful group of people. Nancy made little cherry cheesecakes and they got two of those large chocolate chip cookie cakes with writing on top.  One said “Good Luck Ashley” and the other said “Anneyong” in English and Korean. So Cool! 

Tomorrow is my last day of work.  Did I mention today is a snow day?  Yup!  We got a HUGE nor’easter storm and we got over a foot of snow dumped on us.  So I am home today, which was excellent for getting stuff done and spending time with the kitties.  Tomorrow is my official last day and I couldn’t be more glad of it.  I am ready to move on to something new.  After work Victor and I are headed to his parents to have a goodbye party up there.  I’m super excited about that!  I am hoping the roads are okay despite the huge snowfall we have gotten.  

Other weather concerns plague me about the flight as well.  I’ll be flying into Chicago, which everyone knows that Chicago in winter is not good.  Snow snow snow!  I really hope I don’t get stranded in the airport in Chicago!  AHH!  Although I hear it is a nice airport…  Think of the positives!  I checked the weather forecast ad it looks like heavy rain in Chicago for Saturday, which is much better than snow.  Much much better!
I'm rambling!  Sorry.  Other posts will be more interesting as I begin my adventure!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Getting Started

Hello! I'm going to Korea and it's awesome sauce!

Seoul, South Korea