Thursday, February 13, 2014


February 13, 2014

I got my flight and visa information a few days ago and it has been a whirlwind ever since!  Having a concrete date of departure for February 22nd is a relief that I have been waiting a long time for.  I sent my passport in to the Korean consulate in New York and just got it back yesterday (which was a relief to have it back in my possession again).  At this point, I am just getting last minute stuff done. 
Last night the Literacy Council (the school where I teach English to adults in the evening) threw me a nice little Bon Voyage party.  That was really nice to see how much people are going to me miss me and to know how much they care.  They are a truly wonderful group of people. Nancy made little cherry cheesecakes and they got two of those large chocolate chip cookie cakes with writing on top.  One said “Good Luck Ashley” and the other said “Anneyong” in English and Korean. So Cool! 

Tomorrow is my last day of work.  Did I mention today is a snow day?  Yup!  We got a HUGE nor’easter storm and we got over a foot of snow dumped on us.  So I am home today, which was excellent for getting stuff done and spending time with the kitties.  Tomorrow is my official last day and I couldn’t be more glad of it.  I am ready to move on to something new.  After work Victor and I are headed to his parents to have a goodbye party up there.  I’m super excited about that!  I am hoping the roads are okay despite the huge snowfall we have gotten.  

Other weather concerns plague me about the flight as well.  I’ll be flying into Chicago, which everyone knows that Chicago in winter is not good.  Snow snow snow!  I really hope I don’t get stranded in the airport in Chicago!  AHH!  Although I hear it is a nice airport…  Think of the positives!  I checked the weather forecast ad it looks like heavy rain in Chicago for Saturday, which is much better than snow.  Much much better!
I'm rambling!  Sorry.  Other posts will be more interesting as I begin my adventure!


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