Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Neighborhood

February 24, 2014


After getting settled a bit in the apartment this morning, I decided to go out for a walk to check out where I live.  I took a picture of the placard on the wall of my address, just in case I didn’t find my way back (which is highly probable knowing me).

I walk out and where there were lights on the buildings last night, today I see tons of billboard-style ads and signs on the buildings. These buildings are tall too!  The signs just keep on going up with them.  The corner off of where I live seems to be the main intersection until you get to the highway on either end of the main street.  I say this because there were more lanes for the cars and the street had a lot of signs, stores, and pedestrians.  I concluded that this must be an important street.  Anyway, I walk up and down one side of the main street and look into the shop windows and just try to get a feel for how things are configured and sold.  There were stores for everything from lingerie and shoes to fruit and meat.  I continued walking around the corner and found a nice little play area for children.  There was a climber and benches.  It was so cute!  Next to this there was a market going on where they were selling fish, waffles, clothes, treats, and spices.  It was really cool.  After walking this for a bit, I decided to head back to the main street where I saw some oranges being sold.  One woman asked the man how much for the bowl, he told her, and then bagged it up.  I thought, “I could do that!”.  So I asked in English, more so using gestures, to ask how much for a bowl of the big oranges.  He said 10,000 Won and I agreed.  It’s a lot of oranges and will last the week.  Yay! 

It’s a beautiful day too!  About 50 degrees F.  I think I might go back out after lunch and see if I can buy some rolls at the “Paris Baguette” store around the corner.  It would be a good idea to have food for breakfast.  Fun adventures!  J

  Yeah Dominos!  Where's Victor?

 Really Tall!!

The cute little children's park I found.

At the market behind the playground.